Welcome! This is the personal website of The Dragonheart Collective. Here you will find a varety of resources, essays, and other projects.
Please direct yourself to one of the links above or check the sitemap [LINK].
This site will be used mostly as a hub for resources, writings of ours, and links to our personal projects, often relating to plurality and nonhumanity.
All writings of ours posted on this site are free to print, archive, translate, and redistribute provided credit is given and it is not monetized.
This site is rated PG-13/Teen for: General strong language, outgoing links with sensitive content, and mentions of sex, violence, drugs, and heavy topics.
Recent Changes:
12/19/2024 - Edits to both Fictionkind and Nonhuman FAQs.
12/17/2024 - Added several backed up DW essays and redid the Alterhuman FAQ.
10/30/2024 - Added Age In Systems article.
10/21/2024 - Added Inky Paws #2 submission and DW essay backup page with the Awakenings essay.
7/19/2024 - Added a bunch of links to the link hoard.
7/9/2024 - Added a bunch of plural related papers, added A Formal Critique of Consciousness Labels.
5/5/2024 - Added The Scent Thing Essay, minor edits across site, added Pluralpedia to the unreccomended page.
2/27/2024 - Aditional fixing of ARIA markers on some pages, added New System Member Guide.
10/19/2023 - Mass site link overhaul done. Accessability, link, and other small changes. Additional outlinks links added to the hoard.
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