Dragon's Roost RSS Feed RSS Feed for whats new on our website! Contains both small updates/edits and large ones. https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/ Tue, 09 Jul 2024 09:31:00 -0400 1400 New Essay + Research Papers! <ul> <li>A new essay, <em>'A Formal Critique of Consciousness Labels'</em> was added. It critiques the framework of the 'consciousness' labels and how they cause systems to fundamentally misunderstand many things about switching.</li> <li>A number of links to papers that were not already in the collection relating to plurality were also added</li> </ul> https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/essay/personal/conlabel Tue, 09 Jul 2024 09:31:00 -0400 New Personal Essay, various edits. <p>New personal essay on the intersections of our nonhuman identity regarding our behavior around scents.</p> <p>Also did minor edits across the site and finally moved Pluralpedia to our unreccomended sources page for their citation sins, among other things.</p> https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/essay/personal/scent Sun, 05 May 2024 14:14:00 -0400 New System Member Guide and Minor Edits <p>A guide for making <em>your own</em> guide to give to new system members. We found the currently existing ones really lackluster and figured we could take a shot at making one instead.</p> <p>Some minor edits aross the site fixing typos and ARIA markers have also been added.</p> https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/essay/edu/newalter Tue, 27 Feb 2024 12:12:00 -0400 Grand Site Organization + Other Stuff <p>The mass link overhaul has now completed, so now things are much more organized. If any followers catch any dead links or errors, please do e-mail us to let us know!</p> <p>The most notable changes to the site include:</p> <ul> <li>Better backend link organiation with many links having new addresses</li> <li>ARIA landmarks and more image descriptions for better accessability</li> <li>Some HTML streamlining done</li> <li>The splitting up of the misc links section for better organization</li> <li>The splitting up of the projects page for better organization</li> <li>Many links added to the various link hoards</li> <li>Various glossary additions and improvements</li> <li>Various sitewide minor edits</li> <li>Hey look! This is in proper HTML now! Classy!</li> </ul> <p>Link leads to the front page as there are simply too many changes to choose a more specific one.</p> https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/ Wed, 19 Oct 2023 12:02:00 -0400 Plural Book Page And Site URL Overhaul - Added plural nonfiction literature archive page - Added lots of links accross the site So as this site grows, the more it is recognized that the way its currently structured is less than ideal and a bit disorganized on the backend. We have decided to reorganize the URL addresses so that things are all grouped together (ex- all things plural in a plural folder instead of scattered everywhere). This WILL not change anything in the page layouts, but it will change the URLs to a great many things. This will break many links -links that people have and use to our stuff-, which is why we are hesitant to do it. However these pages are not gone- just moved. They will also be backed up to the wayback as-is. We will be changing the 404 page message to highlight that the pange being linked is likely not gone in hopes it will soften the transition. This change has not rolled out yet, but will at some point in the future. Link leads to the new plural nonfiction literature page. https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/plural/plurbook Thu, 24 Aug 2023 19:18:00 -0400 Othercon Update! - Added our Othercon 2023 panel 'Kin Manners 101' and script! This was super taxing to make and we are proud of it as its something the community desperately needs - Also uploaded a werecard template that is free to use! https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/projects Sun, 13 Aug 2023 19:48:00 -0400 Sitewide Edits + Other Stuff - A ton of sitewide edits including the formatting of the FAQ pages and the about pages - Typo roundup on some typos accross the site - Some additional links accross the site have been added to both the archives and the misc links - We added a shrine for fun for the Xeno metaseries, its still a work in progress and can be found in the misc section Whoops, meant to do a formal update with an RSS notification for awhile but didn't, so here is one! Link leads to the main page as there have been so many edits. https://dragonsroost.neocities.org Sun, 02 Jul 2023 16:00:00 -0400 About Page Redux, Minor Edits - System about page has been revamped - Changes to plural and nonhuman archive language to be more inclusive to those who dont use the usual umbrella terms. - Some additions to the site archives. Link leads to about. https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/about Tue, 07 Mar 2023 20:31:00 -0400 Webring, Some Formatting Changes, and Minor Edits - We have joined the Alterhuman Summoning Circle Webring! Widget is now on the front page. - Various minor edits have been added accross the site, inlcuding the addition of a content rating. - Changed the formatting of our personal writings so that they are easier to read. Link leads to front page. https://dragonsroost.neocities.org Mon, 30 Jan 2023 04:40:00 -0400 Updated Glossary, More Archive Links, Various Edits - Tweaked the glossary and decided to do a version of it that is easier to update and tweak as time goes on. The legacy version is still available in pdf on the projects page, but the new version is at the old html link under the living documents. - Various archive links have been added accross both alterhuman and plural archives. - Various pages have had minor to moderate edits added to them, including the abouts. - A seperate blinkie page has been added to the about to collect all the 'blinkie' graphics we have saved up. Link leads to the new version of the glossary. https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/extras/pluralglossary.html Sat, 21 Jan 2023 07:00:00 -0400 Several Essays + New Links - Added 'Simply Plural Review and Personal Thoughts', 'The Dragonheart Collective’s Testimony on the KFF Phenomenon', and 'What To Do When Your Source Upsets You' essays to the projects page. - Added a few links in the professional plural papers section for non-professional but non-community articles. - Slightly updated/changed some individual about pages. Link leads to the projects pages https://dragonsroost.neocities.org/projects.html Thu, 01 Dec 2022 17:00:00 -0400