Potentially Useful Tools For Those Who Are More Than One

This is a listing of tools we have found that may be useful to plural folks. Each tool listing includes a link to access, a description on what its for, and any warnings we know of regarding it. Please not that an absence of a warning does not mean that it does not have problems. Its just that we dont know of any.

Tool: Pluralkit [LINK]

Type: Discord bot

What it does: Uses webhooks to 'proxy' an account for headmates. Can also log switches and system information in a shareable way. Registering in the bot lets you use and access this in any server.

Warnings: If you dont set certain information to private, anyone can view the information you log in it from any server or from DM if they know your discord ID. This bot also cannot be blocked.

Tool: Tupperbox [LINK]

Type: Discord bot

What it does: Uses webhooks to 'proxy' an account for headmates. Can also log system information in a sharable way in it. Registering in the bot lets you use and access this in any server.

Warnings: If you dont set certain information to private, anyone can view the information you log in it from any server or from DM if they know your discord ID. This bot also cannot be blocked.

Tool: Simply Plural [Android] [Apple]

Type: Mobile app

What it does: System tracking application for logging switches, front history, and headmate information. Can also have this info shared with friends. We have a in-depth review [HERE].

Warnings: Friends can see your fronting information, and any headmate information that is not listed as private. Its also a bit glitchy. Links talking about non-medical model plurality are deeply lacking or inaccurate. Despite this it remains one of the best apps for what it does, use with caution.

Tool: Pluralnotes [LINK]

Type: Desktop app

What it does: Notes application made with systems in mind. Multiples users on the same OS so there is no need to log off. Shared directory for group notes or communicating. No upper limit for number of users.

Warnings: none

Tool: Flowcharty [LINK]

Type: Browser app

What it does: For helping know who is fronting via a yes/no flowchart. Data can be imported/exported

Warnings: Limited in imputs, browser only.

Tool: Syscomm-web [LINK]

Type: Desktop app

What it does: System-oriented notes app. Still in active development.

Warnings: Incomplete. Hasnt been updated in a fair bit, web features have not been implemented.

Tool: MultiChat [LINK]

Type: Desktop app

What it does: Messaging app that only you are connected to. Instended for systems to facillitate communication.

Warnings: none

Tool: Firefox Multi Account Containers [LINK]

Type: Browser extension

What it does: Offical firefox extension that lets you store cookies by individual container to switch between multiple accounts with ease and have multiple accounts up at the same time.

Warnings: Only for Firefox. You can't customize colors and must pick from a set as well.

Tool: Thunderbird [LINK]

Type: Desktop app

What it does: Free email manager application for managing multiple accounts. Includes a calendar, news feed, and chat client.

Warnings: Cannot categorize accounts well so systems who have multiple emails per headmate and many headmates may find it clunky

Tool: Zimwiki [LINK]

Type: Desktop app

What it does: Desktop wiki you can store system information and notes in. Stored in plain text files for easy backing up and easy editing.

Warnings: Limited, no images can be used.

Tool: Obsidian [LINK]

Type: Mobile + desktop app

What it does: Note app that uses a local folder of markdown files to store information. Files work regardless if they were made on desktop or mobile. Locally stored files means portable and can be stored on a flash drive and easy to back up or copy. Allows for locally stored images. Good for storing system information and notes. Guides available to personalize better.

Warnings: Uses markdown so high learning curve.

Tool: Antar.chat [LINK]

Type: Mobile app

What it does: Chat app that allows one to talk to yourself. Useful to type out conversations with headmates. All data is stored offline.

Warnings: None

Tool: Plural Code [LINK]

Type: Forum code string key

What it does: A code to convey information about a system in a short amount of space. Has an emoji and plain text variant.

Warnings: Assumes the user uses certain frameworks or microlabels. May not work for some systems.

Tool: The Multiple Code [LINK]

Type: Forum code string key

What it does: A code to convey information about a system in a short amount of space. Slightly reduxed version of the original multiple code [LINK]

Warnings: Assumes the user uses certain frameworks and has a lot of non-system personal information that pads the code out. May not work for some systems, especially larger ones.

Tool:The Soulbond Code [LINK]

Type: Forum code string key

What it does: A code to convey information about a soulbonding system in a short amount of space.

Warnings: Quite dated.

Tool: The Plural Ettiquitte Questionare by Hungryghosts [LINK]

Type: Communicating system info

What it does: A code to convey information about a system in a short amount of space. Slightly reduxed version of the original multiple code [LINK]

Warnings: May not work for some systems, especially larger ones.

Tool: The Plural Spectrum Tool [LINK]

Type: Communicating system info

What it does: A series of questions one can answer to help others understand how to interact with you better.

Warnings: None

Tool: Dissociative Experiences Scale [LINK]

Type: Screening quiz

What it does: Screening quiz for dissociative experiences. Not a diagnostic tool, but can help one judge possible dissociative issues. Grades automatically in browser.

Warnings: Cannot diagnose or tell you if you are plural. Its fully dissociative-focused. Medical tilt and questions may not catch all dissociative phenomina due to wording and limitations.

Tool: Dissociative Disorders Interview Scheduile [LINK] [ALT LINK]

Type: Screening quiz

What it does: Screening 'Interview' to determine if a patient has a dissociative disorder taken from official sources. Can help one judge if a diagnosis is applicable. Must be hand-graded.

Warnings: Cannot diagnose you for sure or tell you if you are plural. It is fully dissociative-focused and a bit outdated. Cannot for sure tell you if you are diagnosable. Also may not catch all dissociative phenomina due to wording and answer limitations. First link is not screenreader friendly, but the second one is.

Tool: ICD-11 [LINK]

Type: Diagnostic Manual

What it does: Lists the current official diagnostic criteria for dissociative disorders (and other disorders) in the ICD

Warnings: Only useful for determining a dissociative disorder and not plurality in general. Criteria only applicable outside the USA

Tool: DSM-V [LINK]

Type: Diagnostic Manual

What it does: LIsts the current official diagnostic criteria for dissociative disorders (and other disorders) in the DSM-V

Warnings: Only useful for determining a dissociative disorder and not plurality in general. Criteria only applicable to the USA