Dragon's Roost

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Unrecomended Sources

This page is a list of resources with known issues so glaring we do not feel comfortable displaying them in the primary site archives.

Why display them at all then? Because this is an archive, and the sources may still be useful to someone even if the information listed on/by them is suspect.

In cases of a source being listed here in part for serious abuse accusations towards those running them, it also prevents The Missing Stair problem that is often seen in niche communities.

DISCLAIMER! This page exists to let the reader know about certain issues and allow them to judge for themselves if the source is still viable for their use. This page serves not to attack the sites or individuals listed, but to ensure people are adequately warned about the academic issues or patterns of dangerous behavior shown. DO NOT HARASS THOSE ON THIS LIST OR PEOPLE WHO USE THESE WEBSITES. This is unproductive and unkind behavior.

Plural Resources:

Astreas Web

'Blossom' Discord Bot and the PluralHub Discord Server

Nonhuman Resources:

Therian Guide