Non-fiction Literature Involving Plurality

DISCLAIMER: Many of these books are very dated, have a narrow and very clinical view, or have other faults. Excercise caution when reading.

Title Category Notes Link

My Life as a Dissociated Personality by BCA


Google book copy of memoir


Understanding and Treating Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Relational Approach by Elizabeth F. Howell

for clinicians

Google copy of memior


The Plural Self: Multiplicity in Everyday Life by John Rowan & Mick Cooper

enodgenic, theory book, not free

A 'everyone is plural' argument


The structure and dynamics of the psyche by CG Jung

endogenic, theory book

A 'everyone is plural' argument


Multiple Man: Explorations in Possession and Multiple Personality by Adam Crabtree

endogenic, theory book, not free

Very old book talking about the differences in spiritual possession and MPD and talking about accounts of both


Living With Yourselves by Sandra Hawking

self help

Book on self help for DID/MPD


Transgender Mental Health by Eric Yarborough MD

endogenic, passing mention

Book that talks about plurals in relation to the transgender community with a whole section starting on page 157. Mentions endogenic plurlaity being a thing, mentions plurality by name and that its not the same as DID. Book is careful to not push integration, and defines some common plural terms like fronting, co fronting, system, and headspace.


Perspectives on Diseases & Disorders: Dissociative Disorders by Sylvia Engdahl

endogenic, theory book

Book with a number of perspectives around dissociative disorders. This book cites Astrea saying being plural isn't a disorder.


United We Stand: A Boook For People With Multiple Personalities by Eliana Gil

self help

Self help book for DID/multiple personalities


Someone I Know Has Multiple Personalties: A Book For Significant Others Family, Friends, and Caring Professionals by Sandra J Hocking

for singlets

Book for singlets on multiple personalities


People in Pieces: Multiple Personality in Milder Forms & Greater Numbers by Alan Marshall

theory book, for clinicians, median

Talks about plurals who are 'between' MPD and singlet- calling it 'ego state disorder' in that there is less or no amnesia and the alters may be less distinct. Book insists only certain kinds of trauma with 'enough' frequency cause MPD. Gives theory on how plurality works


Trance And Possession In Bali: A Window On Western Multiple Personality Disorder And Suicide by Luh Ketut Suryani and Gordon D Jensen

nondisordered, endogenic

Book on spiritual plurality and dissociation and its implications on MPD. Concludes that MPD is a form of self hypnosis similar to trance states and that MPD treatment would benefit from integrating MPD treatment with peer and societal support.


Dialogues With Forgotten Voices: Relational Perspectives on Child Abuse Trauma And Treatment of Dissociative Disorders by Harvey L Schwartz

for clinicians

Book on DID. Notes that the way society treats child abuse is part of why the trauma is so severe. Gives a treatment plan for integration


The Phenomenology And Treatment of Extremely Complex Multiple Personality Disorder by Richard P Kluft

for clinicians

Older book on treating more complex MPD cases.
