Site Archive
Here may be found other websites by those who are 'more than one' in some way, identified that way in the past and still have their stuff up, or are about plurality and related topics.
This is an archive of sites, NOT a reccomended list. Some sites may have incorrect information, incomplete or sparse pages, outdated views, be run by assholes or incompetent people, may be sketchy and inefectual, or largely about something unrelated. The presence of a page on this list does not mean we agree with anything on the site or anything the webmaster(s) do. Consider yourself warned.
Some pages may have 'Do Not Interact' lists. The 'DNIs' of these pages are not affiliated with the archive nor does the presence of these pages indicate that we share the views reflected in them or that we do or do not 'qualify' for interaction according to them. This is an archive cataloging pages and nothing more. These pages will be marked with a symbol.
Below is a symbol key to determine what major disclaimers are on a particular site. Note that a site without a given symbol does not mean that the site is free from the related issue. The symbols just denote known major issues. The old website section is not rated with these symbols. Expect older websites to be pretty outdated.
Notable Issues with this source or its webmaster, hovertext for why.
Ancient and/or abandoned, but still a live page. May be very dated.
Largely about something else but still has related topics.
There is a 'DNI' on this page.
Extremely Unrecomended Sources
Resource-Focused Sites/Pages:
Personal Sites:
Archived Very Old Sites:
Ann's Multiple World of Personality
Athena, Ivan, and The Integral
MPD/DID a legitimate Diagnosis
Multiplicity Livejournal (Abandoned)
Coping with Dissociative Identity Disorder Tapatalk Forum
Pixel emojis from Mazeguy