Useful Articles, Papers, and Essays

Studies & Papers

Title Category Notes Link

Moral Status And The Treatment of DID


Source on arguing that headmates are people, backtracks in denial at the insitutionalized cruelty and makes the opposite conclusion at the end


Six-year Follow-up of the Treatment of Patients With Dissociative Disorders Study


Source on Low Integration Success Rates(12.8%).


Can the DSM-5 differentiate between nonpathological possession and dissociative identity disorder? A case study from an Afro-Brazilian religion

nondisordered, endogenic

Paper talks about nondisordered & spiritual plurality


Tracking the tulpa

tulpamancy, history

Paper talks about the origins of the word 'tulpa'


Tulpas and Mental Health: A Study of Non-Traumagenic Plural Experiences

tulpamancy, endogenic, nondisordered

Paper talks about tulpamancy improving practitioner's lives


Critiquing the Requirement of Oneness over Multiplicity: An Examination of Dissociative Identity (Disorder) in Five Clinical Texts

nondisordered, integration

Argues that multiplicity is not inherently disordered


Normal Dimensions of Multiple Personality Without Amnesia

nondisordered, amnesia

Argues that the disorderly part of DID is the amnesia not the multiplicity and the multiplicity is seperate from the amnesia


Multiplicity: An Explorative Interview Study on Personal Experiences of People with Multiple Selves

nondisordered, community report

Paper talking about the plural community. Paper is written with strong transphobic bias and bias against headmates having different identities.


Personality Characteristics of Tulpamancers and Their Tulpas


Paper talks about how tulpamancy improves practitioner's lives


Exploring the Utility and Personal Relevance of Co-Produced Multiplicity Resources with Young People

nondisordered, community report

Talks about the plural community and what the study found the respondents want out of therapy


Unusual experiences and their association with metacognition: investigating ASMR and Tulpamancy

tulpamancy, nondisordered

Talks about how tulpamancy does not correlate to increased rates of hallucinations- ie that tulpamancy is not psychosis


‘I’ve learned I need to treat my characters like people’: Varieties of agency and interaction in Writers’ experiences of their Characters’ Voices

endogenic, nondisordered

Talks about nondisordered plurality (doesnt call it this) in writers


DID- Out of the shadows at last?


Paper talks about how DID is real, citing different studies


Frontiers in the psychotherapy of trauma and dissociation

dissociation, trauma, masterpost

Large number of papers in the offical clinical journal of the ISSTD


Dreams In Multiple Personality


Talks about dream phenomina in MPD patients


Guidelines for treating DID in adults, 3rd revision


Guidelines from 2010 for treating DID


Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy for Patients with Dissociative Identity Disorder

medication, treatment

Mentions various medications that might help secondary symptoms


Dissociative disorders in Vietnam combat veterans

later in life, request access

DID symptoms in combat vets, suggests one can become plural later in life


Entitlement to service connection for an acquired psychiatric disorder

later in life

DID acquired later in life as a result of millitary service


On appeal from the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in Oakland, California

later in life

DID acquired later in life as a result of millitary service


A psychotherapy approach to treating hostile voices


On how to deal with hostile voices/alters- asserts working with and talking with them if they behave in coherent ways is the best approach


Regaining Consensus on the Reliability of Memory

false memory

Talks about false memory syndrome not being a thing


The Absorption Hypothesis: Learning to Hear God in Evangelical Christianity

endogenic, nondisordered

Spritual plurality paper


Towards a general model for psychopathology


Talks about a proposed unifying theoretical framework of psychopathology


VIOLATION AND VIRTUALITY: Two cases of physical and psychological boundary transgression and their implications

persuasive, nondisordered

Old paper on depathologizing MPD


The online community: DID and plurality

community report, own voices

Mentions plural community preferences vs professional attitudes, good for outlining this and generally positive to the community, but suggests many in the community are just 'fantasy prone' and not plural. Writer is plural.


Dissociation - Progress in the Dissociative Disorders Archive


ISSTD Journal Archive (1988-1997)


Meeting the needs of clients with dissociative identity disorder: considerations for psychotherapy

request access

On meeting patients where they are at- pro


The ambiguous loss of post-integration : a theoretical analysis of the effects of integration on clients with dissociative identity disorder


Talks about integration not always being a positive for all systems


A Jungian Perspective on the Dissociability of the Self

endogenic, nondisordered, analysis

Paper examines Jung through the lens of plurality, mentions Jung essentially asserted plurality could be endogenic


Cognitive Processes in Dissociation: An Analysis of Core Theoretical Assumptions

dissociation, model

Talks about dissociation as theory and framework and asserts that dissociation is not only a trauma response.



model, persuasive, nondisordered, endogenic

In favor of the 'everyone is a little bit plural' model and argues for it



endogenic, nondisordered

Talks about plural experiences of writers.


Varieties of Tulpa Experiences: The Hypnotic Nature of Human Sociality, Personhood, and Interphenomenality.

tulpamancy, endogenic, nondisordered, personhood, community report

Argues personhood and realness for tulpas, talks about tulpamancer demographics


Neuroholographic Organisms: An Independent Study of Sentient Thoughtforms

tulpamancy, endogenic, nondisordered

Extremely broken partial paper on tulpamancy


Imaginary Companions, Inner Speech, and Auditory Verbal Hallucinations: What Are the Relations?

nondisordered, voice hearing

About imaginary friends being normal and not disorderly; only tangentally related to plurality


Auditory Hallucinations in Dissociative Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia With and Without a Childhood Trauma History

DID, schizophrenia, trauma, voice hearing

Talks about the fact that compared to both traumatized and nontraumatized schizophrenics, those with DID were more likely to experience Schneiderian First Rank Symptoms (such as voice hearing or hallucinations) than psychotic groups. Also shows that the voices they hear appear sooner and were more varied on average. Internal and external voices were notably present in both DID and schizophrenic samples. Dissociation and trauma are much bigger predictors of voice hearing according to this study than psychosis.


Normative Dissociation

nondisordered, dissociation, model

Asserts dissociation is normal and dissociative disorders are rather a disruption of this that make it become disorderly


Uncharted features and dynamics of reading: Voices, characters, and crossing of experiences

nondisordered, endogenic

Talks about involuntary experiences of characters acting after reading



queer, community report, representation, own voices

Talks about intersectional representation in media, writer is plural.


“Multiple Systems” versus Dissociative Identity Disorder: Life-Style or Mental Illness?

community report, nondisordered

Seems to think that if you have DID you cant be a multiple system, has some ableist bent against DID being dangerous, equates DID to psychosis, claims sexual abuse is required to be plural, claims there isnt enough evidence to conclude that all plurals are nondisordered. Worth something due to awknowleging the community and demonstrating the ableism in the system.


Dissociative Experience and Cultural Neuroscience: Narrative, Metaphor and Mechanism

dissociation, model

Talks about dissocation being not a question of real neurology OR cultural in origin, but a mix of both.


Selected Topics in Ego State Therapy


Ego state therapy for use outside of DID therapy


A plurality of selves? An illustration of polypsychism in a recovered addict

model, nondisordered, request access

Proposes a 'everyone is plural' model




Asserts that plurality can be a feature of far more disorders than dissociative ones and that dissociation is a key aspect of more disorder than originally thought


Autism: A Dissociated Self


Talks about how dissociation is very common in autistic folks


A survey of practices and recommended treatment interventions among expert therapists treating patients with dissociative identity disorder and dissociative disorder not otherwise specified


Talks about what treatments therapists reccomend for dissociative disorders


Understanding Integration


Ex-multiple therapist strongly in favor of integration talking about it. Views alters as not people/dehumanizes them, may be deeply triggering.


DID/OSDD Library community resource


Archive of DID/OSDD related papers. Archive holder is a system exclusionist among other things, may color what is offered.


Alterity: Learning Polyvalent Selves, Resisting Disabling Notions of the Self


Somewhat in favor of plurality outside of DID, coins the word 'alterity' to describe plurality.


The Self as a Center of Narrative Gravity

nondisordered, model

Considers the self is fictictious entirely and extends this to alters, but considers plurality normal outside of DID, mentions split brain phenomina


Our Multiple Selves: Applying systems thinking to inner family

IFS, model, endogenic, nondisordered

Comes from an 'everyone is plural' perspective and proposes that MPD is just an excessive polarization of this. Talks about how IFS got started as family therapy as applied to an individual and the theory on how it works. Proposes it as a valid model.


The Effects of DID on Children of Trauma Survivors

DID, plural parents, endogenic

Paper asserts that people with DID can be good parents, but details a number of problems that can occur. Asserts that alters are never seperate people. Mentions that children of those with DID are more likely to develop dissociative disorders themselves- even without experiencing trauma. Also asserts that its important to judge someone with DID based on individual status


The Multiple Self: Exploring between and beyond Modernity and Postmodernity

endogenic, nondisordered, model

Comes from a 'everyone is plural' perspective. Asserts that being plural is natural and not wrong and a unified single self is a western concept that is destructive to ones wellbeing and in this postmodern age it should be discarded. Talks on how it is detrimental from a racial perspective. Strongly critiques the concept of a unified self.


Fact or Factitious? A Psychobiological Study of Authentic and Simulated Dissociative Identity States

DID, proof

Proves that DID and someone pretending to have DID or suggested into it look different under MRI. Brain imaging study. Uses controls of 'high fantasy prone' and 'low fantasy prone' people. Shows DID is real and not an invention of therapists or just being 'fantasy prone'.


Sight and blindness in the same person: Gating in the visual system

DID, proof, psychosomatic

Study of a person with DID who has a blind alter in an otherwise seeing system, confirmed blind by tests. Confirms psychogenic blindness is 'real' blindness and asserts that it should not be seperated out from other kinds of blindness.


Fragmented Sleep, Fragmented Mind The Role of Sleep in Dissociative Symptoms

dissociation, sleep, treatment

Talks on how fragmented sleep increases dissociative experiences, showing dissociation is not only caused by trauma. Proposes that improving sleep may improve dissociative symptoms.


A New Model of Dissociative Identity Disorder

DID, model

Compares three models of DID; the 'classic' model, the subjective model, and the sociocognitive model. Shows that data indicates that the subjective model is best at diagnosing DID. Refutes the sociocognitive model. Propses new diagnositc criteria listed in the study.


The mind possessed: well-being, personality, and cognitive characteristics of individuals regularly experiencing religious possession

endogenic, nondisordered

Details examples of spiritual plurality and concludes that its is not symptoms of psychosis or disorderly as they have similar screening results to those not experiencing it.


Varieties of Tulpa Experiences: Sentient Imaginary Friends, Embodied Joint Attention, and Hypnotic Sociality in a Wired World

tulpamancy, endogenic, community report, personhood

Explores how the tulpamancy community exists as a community and how it supports those inside of it. Reports on norms and culture within tulpa communities. Backs up the idea that conditions like autism are shared in a system, but those within it may be affected differently or less by it. Argues tulpas are real and posits the how as that humans are hardwired to model other agents in the mind as a predictive measure, teaching the brain to be plural through this is possible. Also brings up other groups in which repeated focusing is used to commune with outside agents. Proposes that one Learns to conceive of the self in certain ways, and thus becomes singular or plural through this. Thus, singlethood and plurality are cultural practice, not default.


Neurophysiological And Psychological Approaches To Spirit Possession In Haiti

endogenic, nondisordered

Saved copy of the paper by Astrea [disclaimer on Astrea]. Argues that spirit possession presents as it does in a wide range of cultures because human brains work a particular way that accomodates for those experiences and that this is not inherently disordered. Argues that researching this phenominon could help broaden the understanding of consciousness and help people revise theories around personality and mental illness.


Conceptualizing multiplicity spectrum experiences: Asystematic review and thematic synthesis

endogenic, nondisordered

Talks about plurality outside of DID


Dissociation in Trauma: A New Definition and Comparison with Previous Formulations

dissociation, definitions

Article on redefining dissociation, wants to narrow the definition of dissociation to only include 'dissociation of the personality'. Critiques other current models of dissociation and points out that correlation of alterations of consciousness (derealization, depersonalization, daydreaming, trance, etc) with alters does not imply they are the same thing and wishes to cut all of these out. Notable for showing off that professionals do not all agree on how dissociation works and what qualifies as disssociation and that there are many models.


Learning to Discern the Voices of Gods, Spirits, Tulpas, and the Dead

voice hearing, endogenic, psychosis, tulpamancy, nondisordered

Talks about non pathological and nondistressing voice hearing in a variety of communities. Talks about how each noted practice teaches the practitioner to experience the voices through practice and proposes that learning from these communities may help improve treatment for those with psychosis. Also proposes that its likely that expectations effect experience in regards to voice hearing.


Relationships between sleep paralysis and sleep quality: current insights

dissociation, tangental, sleep

Largely tangental but briefly talks about the relationship between dissociation and sleep paralysis and how sleep quality and dissociation levels are linked


Terror and bliss? Commonalities and distinctions between sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and their associations with waking life experiences

sleep, tangental , dissociation

Talks about the link between sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and dissociation in one portion


Dissociative and psychotic experiences in Brazilian spiritist mediums

endogenic, dissociation, psychosis, nondisordered

Talks about spirit mediums as nonpathological plurality. Talks about there not being a high prevalence of childhood abuse in the mediums examined in the study


Comparing the Symptoms and Mechanisms of “Dissociation” in Dissociative Identity Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder

bpd, dissociation

Talks about the differences of dissociative experiences in DID and BPD diagnosed individuals


Multiplicity in the experience of voice-hearing: A phenomenological inquiry

psychosis, voice hearing, dissociation, endogenic

Examines what kind of voices that voice-hearers hear. Notes that approximately half of voices reported are reoccurring characters. Agrees with the theory that many voices are dissociative rather than psychotic in nature


Psychotic Presentations of Dissociative Identity Disorder

psychosis, dissociation, bpd

Talks about presentations of psychosis in CDDs and the link between dissociation and psychosis. Notes that having alters/feeling one has alters is NOT a delusion. Talks about how BPD should be redefined and separated out into several different other categories- including the dissociative disorder category. Notes how some systems have singular alters which experience psychosis unlike others in the system. Paper proposes 'Dissociative Psychosis' or 'Acute Dissociative Disorder with Psychotic Features' as a diagnosis under dissociative disorders to cover the high prevalence of CDD folks with psychotic experiences.


Dissociative Identity Disorder in an Adolescent With Nine Alternate Personality Traits: A Case Study

dissociation, differential

Paper on the case of a teenager in Korea with DID who was previously misdiagnosed with schizophrenia. Notes alters forming in teenage years rather than having always been around. Notes a adversarial nonhuman alter that later gained a human form


The utility of the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology for distinguishing individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) from DID simulators and healthy controls

dissociation, proof

Paper on a study regarding distinguishing those who have DID from those who are malingering. It determines that the SIMS test for determining malingering individuals is notably very inaccurate for those with DID. It argues the SIMS test is inaccurate and biased against trauma and dissociation sufferers


Psychopathological riddles of multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder). The case of Daniel A.

dissociation, seizures, psychosis

Paper detailing the case of a russian man with DID. Talks about the possibility of diagnosing psychotic symptoms within non-psychotic disorders. Russian text.


Differences and similarities in the sensory and cognitive signatures of voice-hearing, intrusions and thoughts

psychosis, ocd

LINK STARTS AUTOMATIC DOWNLOAD. May also request paper at [LINK] Paper on voice hearing and intrusive thoughts in schizophrenia, ocd, and healthy controls. Challenges the idea that hallucinations should require a compelling sense of reality and strictly adhere to the 'Four A's' criterion as the interviewed subjects show that this is inaccurate as a test and voice hearing is likely more than just a disorder of input. It shows that the line between hallucination, intrusive thought, and 'loud thoughts' is less categorical and more a dimensional spectrum. Also notes that voice hearers report their thoughts being more vivid than non-voice hearers regardless of diagnosis, suggesting hyperphantasia as an important element and that having very vivid thoughts is a risk factor/warning sign for hallucinatory symptoms.


The prevalence of Dissociative Disorders and dissociative experiences in college populations: a meta-analysis of 98 studies

proof, dissociation

Multi-country analysis paper. Shows the trauma model is significantly more accurate than the fantasy model (ie- its a real issue not faking). 11.4% of college students interviewed met the criteria for a dissociative disorder. In addition, numbers seem to hold steady over the years, which does not support the idea that dissociative disorders were a 'fad' of the 90s. None of the five hypotheses tested supported the fantasy model. It was found that DD were slightly more common in college populations than the general population, as well.


Other Professional Sources

Title Category Notes Link

Integration: A Requirement for DID Therapy – Or Not?


Professional source on wanting to not integrate


Understanding Multiplicity: The experience of having more than one person, self or identify within the body

nondisordered, endogenic, community report

Archived multiplicity pamphlet


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fifth Edition (DSM-5)


Copy of the DSM5


ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics


Copy of the ICD-11


What We Can Learn About Respect and Identity From Plurals

community report, nondisordered, personhood

Talks about the community, in favor of the community and the personhood assertions in it in particular


Dissociative Identity Disorder Factsheet


101 page for DID


Trauma During Adulthood Fact Sheet


ISSTD factsheet on trauma symptoms in adults


Article: Exploring the experiences of young people with multiplicity

community report, nondisordered, endogenic

Talks about the communities needs in therapy and community culture


Non-Psychiatric Professional Arcicles Of Note

Title Category Notes Link

Wikiwand Walk-In Page


Mention of the singlet occult concept of walk-ins.


Dangerous Therapy: The Story of Patricia Burgus and Multiple Personality Disorder

abuse, false memory, satanic panic, misdiagnosis

Example of horrific medical abuse and overdiagnosis of MPD done by therapists for clout during the Satanic Panic. Article holds belief in FMS and seems to doubt DID/MPD is a thing, but is legit beyond that.


Are Multiple Personalites Always a Disorder?

community report, nondisordered, endogenic

Article on vice about nondisordered plurality. Not the best, but its there.
