Nonhuman FAQ
Nonhumanity is a wide umbrella for exactly what it sounds like it means- people who identify as nonhuman in some way.
There are a wide range of experiences under this umbrella, all of which generally involve identifying as some kind of nonhuman entity in part or in whole. They may identify as human on some level as well, but not all do.
There are many specific identities that fall under this umbrella, all having their own separate communities and history. Some terms may overlap because many were made independently of each other in separate closed communities. Some of those who identify as nonhuman do not use any other label on top of that to describe their nonhumanity, but many do.
This FAQ is nonexhaustive and is meant as a taster to the most common concepts and words, not as a all-in-one resource. Many nonhuman identities are also fictional-based identities, so there is some overlap. Check our [Fictionkind FAQ] for more on that. If you want the broader umbrella label that nonhumanity is under, direct yourself to our [Alterhuman FAQ] instead.
Common Nonhuman Labels and Their Definitions:
Otherkin[d]- A person who identifies in part or in whole as a nonhuman entity on an integral level. Includes sapient mythical nonhuman creatures and fictional nonhuman species. Often used as a blanket term for any nonhuman, though not all nonhumans identify as such. The label otherkin was coined in the 90s.
Therian- A person who identifies in part or in whole as a nonhuman animal on an integral level. Various subtypes include but are not limited to fictherians (identifying as a fictional animal) and theriomythics (identifying as a mythical animal). Therian culture has a strong focus on shifts in comparison to otherkin culture. The therian community started in the 90s on alt.horror.werewolves and was originally called the Were community.
Physically Identifying Nonhuman- A person who identifies themselves as physically nonhuman for whatever reason. This may be due to a variety of reasons such as delusions or because they consider their physical species the one they identify as. May be abbreviated as PIP(Physically Identifying Person). A similar word is holothere.
Transspecies- Someone who identifies as a species they are not usually perceived as. Transspecies individuals often either wish to transition physically into another species, or are someone who's gender and species identification and/or transition are inseperable. It has strong roots in the transhumanism community.
For a more in-depth glossary of words, see our Nonhuman Glossary [HERE].
Why would people identify this way?
There are many reasons someone might identify as nonhuman in some way- and each person has their own journey that led them to the labels and communities that they use. Some more common categories of reasons that people may identify this way include species euphoria/dysphoria, instincts and mannerisms, spiritual beleifs, neurology, trauma, mental illness experiences, and archetypal resonance.
There are many schools of thought on the origins of nonhuman identity, and there is no consensus. Some people may claim otherwise, but this cannot be further from the truth.
Identifying as nonhuman is generally a positive and empowering experience for the people within the community. It gives us words for our feelings and a community that understands them and can provide peer support.
Other Questions
Is this unhealthy?
Not for the majority of nonhumans. In a recent survey [LINK], the mental health outlooks of autistic transgender nonhumans are similar to their human autistic transgender counterparts. This indicates that nonhuman identity does not cause worse mental health outcomes.
Is this a delusion?
A delusion has a very specific definition and not all nonhuman experiences fall under this as identity is not by itself a delusion. While some attribute their identity to influence by a delusion, not all do. Something being a delusion does not mean that it is harmful or bad. Experiencing delusions should not be used to dismiss experiences or self determination.
Is this a cult?
While it cannot be denied that some spaces and groups are/were cultlike, the belief of being nonhuman itself is not. Cults require a very specific set of parameters, and just having a non-normative belief that the average joe finds too 'woo'-ey isn't it.
Is this a gender or sexuality?
Some nonhumans may have their sense of gender, sexuality, or other preferences effected by their nonhuman identity, but it is not these things in of itself. The nonhuman community has a transgender and queer majority- but these are not inherently the same thing.
Is this roleplaying?
This is very specifically not roleplaying. This is a genuine identification and experience. While some nonhumans are ALSO roleplayers, these are two different experiences.
How is this different from being a furry?
Being a furry does not require identifying AS something nonhuman. Rather- its about enjoying anthropormorphic characters and wanting to engage with media about them in its base form. Being nonhuman is about identification as nonhuman. Many nonhumans are also furries and vice versa- but they are not the same thing.
Do all nonhumans hate humanity?
Misanthropy is not a requirement to be any kind of alterhuman, including nonhuman. Some nonhumans are misanthropic, but it is generally discouraged in most spaces to look down on or hate humans as a whole.
How many nonhuman identities/theriotype/kintypes can you have?
There is no limit on the number of nonhuman identities you are 'allowed' to have. Its good to examine and consider things carefully and from other angles (hybrid animal, shapeshifter, plural system, cameo shifts, etc) to be sure, but you absolutely can have more than one thing that you identify as.
Does this mean you want to have sexual contact with animals?
No. There is no correlation to animal abuse. Accusations to a perdominately neurodiverse and queer community of sex crimes is predictable. Like most people, most nonhumans think animal abuse is abhorrent. Bestalists are not welcome in the wider community.
Is this a thing for kids?
While many visible community members skew young, this is because people online who show off their whole lives in general skew young. Many adults -including older adults- are nonhuman in some way. Blame no more internet safety talks and facebook. Even if the community was new and largely children, does it make it any less important? Any less heartfelt?
Can you shapeshift for real?
No. This is not alligned with consensus reality or how physics works. Anyone claiming to be able to do so is either lying to manipulate you (the majority of self identified 'p-shifters'), experiencing a delusion and is just talking about it untagged, or needs extraordinary proof for their extraordinary claims.
I think I might be nonhuman!
WIP Guide coming at some point, please stand by!
Someone showed me this FAQ to come out! What do I do?
Ask them what they want you to do about this information and reassure them that you still care for them. They might, for example, ask you to refer to them in a specific way, or be understanding about dressing or behaving in a certain way. The only way to know what you should do about this is to ask the person who came out to you.
Final Word
In conclusion, we nonhumans are just vibing over here. There is no need to be alarmed, we are just experiencing life different than you and talking about it. Some of us have weird beliefs, some of us have weird brains, some of us are just a critter. You don't have to understand it to be kind about it, though we hope this sheds some light on it for you.