While we would say that its easily arguable that the behavior of KFF counts as cultural
appropriation (a cultural group that is having their language misattributed and misused and
causes material harm to the group as a result- as subcultures are cultures), that term is
generally reserved for a flavor of racism instead and using it is harsh enough that it may
cause more problems then it solves.
Many people who fall under KFF nowadays don't even know the original source of the word
they are using. They are not to blame for this travesty, but they still contribute to it.
If you try to explain the history and actual definitions you get at best laughed at and told to
stop being so serious, at worst harassed with ableist, saneist, and anti-spiritual rhetoric in
most cases. They make it clear that as a group they don't want to listen.
The whole alterhuman community bears the scars of what they did (in the choice vs not a
choice kin discourse, the lean hard into spiritual, the increased standoffishness, etc), but for
fictionkin, its personal and why so many fictionkind are so snarly about KFF. It was our
spaces they destroyed first and foremost.
Arguably few groups have shaped otherkin and fictionkin spaces like KFF have. They
have done massive, possibly irreversible damage to the community, and especially the
fictionkind community and it cannot be denied, it should not be denied, and fictionkin are
allowed to be salty about it.
This is also why so many 'kin elitists believe the things they do. The hard overcorrections into
'its NEVER even slightly a choice and ALWAYS spiritual' are directly in response to these
events shredding the community to the point that people shut off all discussion remotely near
the topic in response.
Alternatives to ‘Kinnie’
There are several alternatives posed, they all have pros and cons, and unfortunately its the
KFF who have to choose to change. There is nothing we can truly do to make them stop
spreading misinformation.
If you are a KFF, please make that choice.
We know its hard to give up a fun snappy word, but please be aware of the history of that
word and the communities that it was taken from. Be aware of what was done to the
community, and is still being done to the community- the derision, the trolling, the bullying,
and the ableist, saneist, and anti-spiritual behavior.
If you don't want to, you still think its ok to use the word or support those who do, fine.
We can’t stop you, but be aware of what you are saying by making that choice, too.