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Fictionfolk Glossary

Written by The Dragonheart Collective

Version 1.0.0 | Last updated 8/30/2023

This is a non-comprehensive dictionary of common terms used currently in spaces where people have fiction-related identities. Many dictionaries and glossaries are either not good enough for the current vernacular, are not specifically for fictionfolk, or they are loaded with rarely used and redundant labels that make it difficult to learn the lingo. Hence this guide being made seperate.

If there are terms you come across that are not listed here, asking the person who posted them to define the terms they are using is the recommended option.

Many of these terms are not exclusive to fictional identity experience, but are used within the space so they have been listed.

This will be broken up by category;

Navigation: Click on the section name to go to that section of the Glossary.

Things you are:

Fictionfolk - An umbrella label for all those with fictional-related identities. Includes both 'as' and 'with' identities.

Fableing - A facet in a median system that identifies as a fictional fictional character or species.

Fictive - A headmate in a system that is 'based on' or identifies as a fictional character or species in some way. Fictional Introject is a more medicalized word for this.

Fictionhearted - Someone who identifies in part or in whole with a fictional character or species on an integral level. A subtype of otherhearted (see nonhuman glossary).

Fictherian - Someone who identifies in part or in whole on an integral level as a fictional animal or beast. A subtype of therian (see nonhuman glossary).

Fictionkin(d) - Someone who identifies in part or in whole on an integral level as a fictional character or species from modern media. It was previously called otakukin and mediakin. May also be shortened to kin.

OCkin - Someone who identifies in part or in whole on an integral level as an original character from a fictional work. Includes fan characters and fully original work.

Otherlinker - Also may be called a copinglinker. Someone who chooses to form an identity as something nonhuman or fictional, usually (but not always) to cope with neurodivergence or trauma. This identity may be dropped at will.

Polykin - Someone who identifies as multiple nonhuman or fictional entities.

Things you experience or have:

Awakening - The process of discovering one's fictional or nonhuman identity. Kin and therian communities tend to put a level of significance on this process/life event. Often capitalized when used in a sentence. Awakening may happen prior to encountering these communities. Used to be called becoming Awere.

Canon - When in reference to those who identify as a fictional character or species, the particular universe that their fictional identity comes from and the events that happened. (ex- 'In my canon that person didn't die there like in the show').

Canonmate - Other people who identify as a fictional character or species that are from the same particular universe as you.

Double - When two people who identify as a fictional characters identify as the same character. Some people are uncomfortable interacting with doubles of themselves whereas others welcome it.

Fictionflickers - When one experiences a brief instance of feeling like a fictional character, usually due to consuming a new piece of media. See cameo shifts for a similar term.

Hearthome - A location or biome that one has a strong connection to and considers 'home', often despite not ever having been there. Hearthomes are frequently fictional locations, but not always.

Kardiatype - A past life that strongly affected you but that you do not still identify as. Kardiatypes can be of fictional characters or species, but they are not always such.

Kinfeels - A strong feeling of being closer to or reminded of one's kintype. Often may be triggered by outside stimuli and may induce various experiences associated with having a kintype.

Kinfirm - When someone confirms a kintype and finishes their Awakening. A pun on 'kin' and 'confirm'.

Kinsidering - When someone is questioning if something is a kintype. A pun on 'kin' and 'considering'.

Kintype - The specific identity that someone who is fictionkin or otherkin has (see nonhuman glossary). May also be called one's kinself.

Linktype - The specific identity that an otherlinker chooses to identify as.

Noemata - All knowlege about one's kintype. The singular version is noema.

Shifter's Disease - A phenomenon where someone researching otherkinity, fictionkinity, or therianthropy for the first time may accidentally induce shifts or fabricate exomemories, leading them to falsely believe they are otherkin/fictionkin/therian for a short time after.

Shifting - The act of becoming more like your kintype in some way. It may be voluntary or involuntary. There are a large number of more specific terms which may be found [HERE]. Shifts more common to fictionfolk have been listed here.

Source - When in reference to those who identify as a fictional character or species, the fictional media their identity is from

Sourcemate - Other people who identify as a fictional character or species that are from the same media as you.

Other terms:

Elven Star - The seven pointed star symbol generally accepted by otherkin to represent the otherkin community. Also known as the fairie star.

Kin For Fun - Often abbreviated to KFF. A term for those who claim that the word 'kin' is ONLY to be used for fun and that is ONLY a choice and means identify with/relate to instead of 'identify as' and the culture the people who said this built on their stolen word. Our testimony on the subject may be found [HERE]. The terms 'fluffy' and 'wishkin' are old derogatory terms for similar kind of people. Those who had some element of choice in their identity, those who have fun with their genuine identity, or those who label their experience kin when they don't quite match the general definition but otherwise don't force that definition on others are NOT KFF.

Multiverse Theory - The theory of multiple alternate universes existing at once in addition to the one we currently reside in. This theory is a common way fictionkin and otherkin explain their experiences and the discrepencies in noemata that are common between those who share sources.

Ontopunk - A punk subculture focused on embracing different kinds of identities and rejecting anthropocentrism. Ontopunk is open to anyone, but primarily weighted towards those with nonhuman or fictional related identities. Derived from ontology, the branch of philosophy concerned with being and what it means to exist.