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On Switching

Last edited 8/28/2023

So we see a lot of confusion around regarding what people understand switching to feel like, both from singlets and others plural folks. Because only some kinds of switching are thought of as switching by some people, some systems may not be aware that they are switching, and some singlets may get an unclear idea of the scope of plural experiences. This article aims to help with that.

To define switching: Switching is the act of changing the control of the body from one headmate to another.

Different plural folks experience switching in different ways. Not every switch feels the same for every system, and a given system may experience many kinds of switches across their life for various reasons.

Some systems only switch in one specific kind of way, some switch in a mix at random, and others gradually change how they switch over time.

This can be effected by dissociation levels, levels of separation between headmates, level of memory sharing, and other factors, and is unique to that system.

Switches can have a slow and gradual transition, or a jarring one. A switch can happen without the system noticing for a bit, or a switch can be very obvious for the system. A switch can involve high levels of dissociation or distress, or very little to none. A switch can have perfect memory sharing, no memory sharing, degenerative or delayed memory sharing, or anything in between. Switches can be on purpose, accidental, automatic, or other levels of choice being involved or not as well. It is also possible for switches to have somatic effects such as vertigo, nausea, or headaches.

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